
Manyland script to kill yourself
Manyland script to kill yourself

manyland script to kill yourself manyland script to kill yourself

Go and flop on that shit and you’ll probably die quickly and if you don’t die right away, you’ll probably be paralyzed so you can’t swim very well when you’re paralyzed so then you’ll just drown, mission accomplished no matter how you look at it. Just hurl your body off that bridge into the waters below. Go for a walk to that bridge and give yourself a jump. What fun it must be to kill yourself in such a fashion, listening to a song you like and how about water? If it’s your thing and yo happen to live near a bridge. Buzzzzt, Buzzzt, Buzzzzt, Bzzzzt, Bzzzzt. You could listen to your favorite song as you fry in the tub. If you’re hard up for ways, I have a few to recommend, take a bath with your favorite electrical appliance while it’s plugged in, you’ll fry and fry and fry and fry, oh what a delight. What if all the greats, entrepreneurs and creators of the world were to quit in mid thought before finishing what they really wanted to do? We wouldn’t have much at all today so to you this is what I say, kill yourself, just kill yourself you might as well end it today. In your heart if you have a gaol, you must follow that goal, like a dream, a dreams you must follow or it could never happen.

manyland script to kill yourself

You’ll write it in your journal, you tell it to your therapist and he prescribes you psychiatric drugs and they don’t seem to be helping because you’re still talking about killing yourself and I my friend encourage you to follow through with it. You’re always telling everybody about how you’d be better off dead and no longer amongst the living. Kill yourself you fucking pussy I’m sick and tired of hearing all the talk.

Manyland script to kill yourself